Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Wrote My Own Eulogy at the Age of 28 - It was Empowering !

Ok so - I know that may seem a bit bizarre but it was an assignment in one of my classes. As I started to write it became its own thing - thought I'd share. 

Ohhh Shekinah! Yes, I delight in her. I knew her before she was born, I set the whole thing up you know. I counted every hair on her head, she was created for my enjoyment. I gave her a little sas, mixed with a lot of drive, some compassion and purpose, dignity and she gave herself pride. I gave her endless hope in every situation and a heart to serve others. And yeah that name, I gave it to her mother. I think I over dosed on the friendly nature- the girl met no strangers! I gave her a precious heart which I guarded with my life, it was worth every sacrifice. I gave her my spirit to guide her way. I sculpted every limb to perfection, even the moles are my reflection. I sculpted that smile and yes I gave her the mouth too. It was all a part of my plan for her to do what I needed her to do. I gave her skin, eyes and my mind when looking for another you will not find. I was so proud of what I created I had to send her to you, so shed reflect me in everything that shed do. And her mere existence would cause you to seek me as much as I do you.

That name got her in some sticky situations. Not everyone understood kinda like condensation. They call her sha-neeka or even Sha-neequa but she would politely remind them, Yes this is Shekinah J.  She handled it with grace sometimes not so nice. When she came into the working world she told others, Miss Young will suffice. I gave her mom that name,  she’s like my name sake. It Hebrew you know, Google it, I’ll wait.

So Ive been watching since that warm day in June when I sent her to you. I watched her first steps , crawl and walk. I watched at 9 months when she began to talk. I watched her experience her first dosage of pain, I heard every prayer and time she called my name. She was introduced to me at a very young age and we quickly became friends, I told her I’d always be there and our bond would never end. That she could do nothing to make me love her less- All the while knowing some days shed be a “hot mess”. I watched her try to do her own thing! I softly pulled her chain to get her attention – I told her I’d forget those things, so I won’t mention. 

As a young child she was a blessing to her family. She reminded her mother of my promises when she would forget and held no grudge against her father for the things he’d omit. She equally gave both brothers a hard time. Raised as the only girl she felt they wouldn’t mind.

I remember when it was time for her to go off to school. She learned she had two other sister and a brother, how cool! There was no resentment or struggle to accept- them as family, never considering them half or even step. They were her kin and she was there’s – kinda sucked to build a relationship when you’re moving out to nowhere. But they did and that made my heart smile. She had a thing for bringing people together- yeah that’s my child !

She would cry out to me to tell her of her purpose. I whispered and said you’re already working it, trust me its worth it. She’d get frustrated and say I just want to know. I told her everything is going how it’s supposed to go. I don’t think she heard me but continued in her day. But I was pleased with her in every single way. Yes she’d get things wrong at times but I’d remind her she’s always on my mind. To let me handle what you can’t, then I’d listen to her long rant. Life is unfair I just want to know what I’m supposed to do. To that I’d reply just listen to me and follow thru. You’re doing just fine it’s all within you.

I watched when her college roommate was upset because her boyfriend lied. Shekinah lye in her bed with her and said its ok to cry. Or when she used her spring breaks to work with the underprivileged. They knew the real sense of community, kinda like a little village. She spread my love everywhere she went. This was everyone’s big clue she was heaven sent.

She had asked me to help her become the best attorney and more. I said, I was thinking a little different, I have so much more store. She took that silly LSAT twice and never got a score she liked. My girl was devastated but I told her it was alright.  She’d often ask can I now know your plan. I’d say Its to give you a hope and a future, rest assured I’m the man. Letting go of law school was hard to do, she was sure that’s what that big mouth was built to suit.

What’s your plan, what would you like me to do. Was what she’d ask daily and I’d say I have this for you.

They were small stones to get her to see. What was already inside placed there by me. One day she saw the light – ahhhh Communications, I see! It all made sense why the law school didn’t pan out. Why the reporter thing fell through and why she didn’t buy that Chicago house. Des Moines was where the plan was realized. Funny because she had chased these other options while communications was in her lap all along. Working in the field for 6 years and thought it was wrong. It opened up broadcast industry doors to encourage the world through the network and more. It was simply a platform to spread her gifts. All while she took a back seat and let me lift- all the weights and worries of the future. Im her life’s greatest producer.

The network was a dream come true. She inspired others to reach their goals on a daily too. It wasn't until she began to focus on others that she really began to live. Positive nature able to turn every negative into a positive. She poured out her heart to everyone she met. And hoped it helped if even an ounce that they wouldn’t forget. She wanted them to be empowered, unstoppable of sorts. She wanted them to be excited as they are about major sports. She wanted to ignite a fire in them, one they’d never forget. Leaving no stone unturned a life shed never regret.

She simply wanted it to matter that she was here. Not for money or fame but the people that needed her near. Her message of encouragement or friendly nature. To add an extra step in their walk or smile to their day. She wanted her existence to matter in any possible way. To leave the earth a little better than she found it. Shekinah tried her best to leave her mark around it. She travelled to Egypt to assist refugees, sites she saw in orphanages brought her to her knees. Their tenacity in faith taught her a thing or two.  It strengthen her own kinda made it new. She did it all in one leap bound and for that I say Shekinah here is your crown. She came to my home just last week. Last she remembered she layed down to catch some sleep. I assured her everything was in my hands and reminded her it’s all a part of my plan. Well done my good and faithful servant- you’ve done what was asked of you. Even when uncertain you pushed through.

So I’ll go down and let them know you’re chilling with me. Cause I’ve always had your back from now through eternity.  I know some of you may be sad but I urge you not to be, everything is alright and going accordingly.  You see everything has a time and season; even though we sometimes don’t know the reason. Snow comes in winter and it’s warmer in June. How’d you like snow in July is that too soon? Shekinah’s time has come and gone but your time is right now.  The question shouldn’t be what you are going to do but rather how. How to serve, how to lead. How to get over your pet peeves. How to see life as more than a service to you but to give God glory in everything that you do.   

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reality Check - Protection From Self

Food for Thought:

What do you do when you worked so hard to reach your goal, you enrolled in a  class to learn more about the craft, you minimized your social life, sacrificed sleep and even work hours, to get any closer to your goal and things don't go your way?  People always say you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it , but how true is that ?

These were the thoughts I wrestled with, just last week bc things weren't going my way. Never mind the fact that I started a blog entitled "Life's Purpose is Beyond One's Self " ... Shekinah was not having it ! I genuinely felt like I spent the past couple years carefully crafting this beautiful "cake". I delicately pulled it from the oven, placed it on a counter and smoothed icing all over it! I was so proud of MY creation. I went to God and said look, look what Ive done and He stuck his finger in the middle of the cake piercing the frosting and actual cake then swirled it all around. I was broken. I couldn't understand why my plans didint work out. I had done nothing wrong, my goal had no malicious intent ... Im a "good person" why isnt this working out ?

I was definitely tripping for a couple days. Then I was reminded of a prayer I prayed asking God to "close every door Im not meant to walk through " ... now why did I say that . He was serious and quick!

What comforted me was remembering that my life isnt mine.  I say all that to say, sometimes we ask God for things and He does it but it doesn't look like what we thought. Being chosen or accepting the purpose for your life can come at a cost. Sometimes it may seem unfair to us but really how unfair is it? I believe that God protects us from ourselves.Meaning every "no" , un-returned phone call, non promotion,  letters starting out with .. "thank you for your interest in ________ " and "I think we should see other people" was actually for our protection. What if it was God's way of guiding you on the right path?

"Remembering the Times You Could Have Quit but You Hit Continue"

The video below is called  "Instruction on a Bad Day" ... I thought it was GREAT and wanted to share. I love how its real! "Remembering the Times You Could Have  Quit but You Hit Continue" was a line in the video that I thought was so dynamic ... did I mention how much I enjoyed this video ... 
* I included quotes below from the video  

I don't know about you but when life is uncomfortable I don't want to hear WHACK cliches, half of a scripture, social media self-proclaimed life coaches posting things for "likes" ...  I need something REAL! I want to hear how you made it, I want to hear something with substance, adding to my life.

"If today is as bad as it gets understand that tomorrow, today is over"

I first saw the video on www.upworthy.com (I'm not affiliated with them in any way just giving kudos where its due) and I really like it mainly because it s about something .. investing in people! Don't get me wrong "ratchet" tv, fun times, and sporting all have their time but I believe there's more to this thing called life with a greater meaning. I'm so over the "social media life" where people post only the best, telling half the story, and nothing seems genuine ...motivation seems to be the acceptance of others. We are REAL people, going through REAL life situations, in need of REAL solutions. 

"Life is going to come at you with hard times and tough choices , your voice is your weapon" 

The same way that I seek encouragement from various sources I want to be a source as well, I feel its my duty. That's why I appreciate the site so much ... it uses Social Media and all kinds of technology to bring important issues to light and brighten someone's day. 

"Scrape away every dark cloud trying to blind us from the truth... truth that whether we see it or not, the sun and moon are there, ALWAYS" 

Thanks for reading, have a great day!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Don't Stop, Don't Give Up

I'm wrapping up this round of edits on my resume reel and the computer won't export the file. Can you say ANGRY ? I found multiple jobs that I think fit exactly what Id like to do but I have to submit a reel to be considered, w/o the file exporting the reel cant be completed. Its like finishing something you put so much work into then at the very end the computer crashes ... I'm like really? In real life? Then I needed to use FCP (Final Cut Pro) to bring all the clips together but only have access to adobe premiere (long story) ... blah blah blah I'm not in the business of complaints but results! 

My first thought was FORGET IT ... I'll finish it tomorrow. While I'm off being angry at the computer, my competition is working. While I'm complaining about whats not going right , someone else is applying. This little baby sums it up perfectly.  :-) She made my day ! 

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,

And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Don't give up though the pace seems slow -
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;

Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;

And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Fear Is "Socially Acceptable Insanity"

Fear: (Noun) a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat
 is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. foreboding, apprehens-ion,consternation, dismay, dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, trepidation, qualm. courage,security, calm, intrepidity.

Fear can not be seen but its often times a driving force in our lives to do or not do something, but have you ever thought about why ? This man of wisdom  speaks to the issue ... get your pen and paper because class is officially in session. 

After watching, lets pledge to do better, take risks, denying fear its hold on our lives ... its our world ! Speak it until you believe it! Be your biggest supporter ... you ARE a successful business person, you ARE in the new job, you HAVE enough money to use wisely paying bills and savinig ...  Let fear know who's boss ! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hi I'm Shekinah- The Motivator ... George Bernard Shaw Life Motto

 Hey I'm Shekinah (Shu Ki nah)  :-) ... the Motivator 

I decided to start a blog because in my own pursuits of dreams and goals and just life period I find myself in need of motivation or encouragement of some kind. I scan Facebook, feverishly watch videos on YouTube, have convos with friends, Google all kinds of things ... whatever necessary to get me going. A couple years ago I started sending "monday motivations" to friends and loved ones and I thoroughly ENJOY it.  I want to share the wealth .
I refuse to be alive, suck up air on this earth and not make a difference, or affect change of any kind. Its my belief that EVERY life has a purpose and I want to fulfill mine and I'd like to encourage YOU to fulfills yours. Life is a grand opportunity!

 The motto I live by is EXACTLY summed up by George Bernard Shaw when he says: 

This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no "brief candle" for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
George Bernard Shaw
More Quotes by G.B. Shaw