Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reality Check - Protection From Self

Food for Thought:

What do you do when you worked so hard to reach your goal, you enrolled in a  class to learn more about the craft, you minimized your social life, sacrificed sleep and even work hours, to get any closer to your goal and things don't go your way?  People always say you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it , but how true is that ?

These were the thoughts I wrestled with, just last week bc things weren't going my way. Never mind the fact that I started a blog entitled "Life's Purpose is Beyond One's Self " ... Shekinah was not having it ! I genuinely felt like I spent the past couple years carefully crafting this beautiful "cake". I delicately pulled it from the oven, placed it on a counter and smoothed icing all over it! I was so proud of MY creation. I went to God and said look, look what Ive done and He stuck his finger in the middle of the cake piercing the frosting and actual cake then swirled it all around. I was broken. I couldn't understand why my plans didint work out. I had done nothing wrong, my goal had no malicious intent ... Im a "good person" why isnt this working out ?

I was definitely tripping for a couple days. Then I was reminded of a prayer I prayed asking God to "close every door Im not meant to walk through " ... now why did I say that . He was serious and quick!

What comforted me was remembering that my life isnt mine.  I say all that to say, sometimes we ask God for things and He does it but it doesn't look like what we thought. Being chosen or accepting the purpose for your life can come at a cost. Sometimes it may seem unfair to us but really how unfair is it? I believe that God protects us from ourselves.Meaning every "no" , un-returned phone call, non promotion,  letters starting out with .. "thank you for your interest in ________ " and "I think we should see other people" was actually for our protection. What if it was God's way of guiding you on the right path?

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